Text Preferred: (203) 877-8809
10 Minute Sessions to help your staff relax, reset, and go back to work refreshed!
Per Therapist, per hour
On Site in person or via Google Meet ~ 1 Hour Workshop to give your employees some easy tips, tricks, & tools to stay relaxed throughout their workday. Most people have no idea how much stress they're carrying around in their body and how easy it can be to mitigate it. A little movement or deep breathing throughout the day can make a BIG difference!
Some easy moves to incorporate into your workday or at home to combat the specific repetitive motion & postures of your job.
Work smarter, not harder! Take a break to learn some easy breathing exercises, mindfulness hacks, & self-massage to make your stress level take a chill pill so you can do your best work and be your best self.
A half-hour of guided meditation to bring some zen to your zone.