Text Preferred: (203) 877-8809
At Clarity, our packages are truly unique in their flexibility. Use your sessions when you want them ~ there are no time constraints, requirements, or expiration dates. Feel free to share a session with a spouse or member of your household, or gift time from your package to someone else. Your massages may be split into 1/2 Hr, 1 Hr, or 90-minute sessions. *Packages are not refundable.*
3 Hour Massage Package
6 Hour Massage Package
12 Hour Massage Package
4 Organic Facials for four seasons of beautiful skin
6 Revitalight Sessions, great for start-up or maintenance
3 Sessions, give it a try!
4 sessions
3 sessions
3 sessions
3 sessions
One-time payment for 10mins/20mins of Rainbow magic with every visit in 2025, this really pays off if you're a frequent flyer!
3 sessions, choose 10/15/20min
6 sessions, choose 10/15/20min
x3/x6/x12 sessions, 10 min Spot Treatments
x3 sessions, choose 20/30/40 min
x6 sessions, choose 20/30/40 min
x12 sessions, choose 20/30/40 min
An automatic subscription payment at a discounted rate. Members may choose a standing appointment (e.g., the 15th of each month or the first Friday); you may always reschedule if needed. Membership sessions do NOT roll over; if they are not used within the month, they will not accrue. Spa members receive 10% off any other services/gift certificates for the lifetime of the membership. Memberships may not be shared; cancel at any time.
1 Hour Massage or 1 Organic Facial/Rejuv/Revitalight per month
1 Hour Massage or 1 Organic Facial/Rejuv/Revitalight per month for professional helpers in high-stress fields to help you find some balance ~ Teachers, Nurses, Social Workers/Therapists ~ Not all heroes wear capes ;)
1, 90 minute session per month; 90min massage, or 1 hr + Mini Facial, Facial w/Revitalight, or Facial w/Rejuv
x2, One Hour Services, book together or separately